Home Love Christmas – The Ukiah Day by day Journal

Christmas – The Ukiah Day by day Journal

Christmas – The Ukiah Day by day Journal

This text was to run on Christmas, the day Christians everywhere in the world rejoice the delivery of Jesus.  This date was chosen a number of centuries after Christ’s delivery, when the Roman emperor Constantine first transformed to Christianity in 312AD, and had the Bible as we all know it edited in 325AD.  Most of his military worshiped Sol Invictus, which celebrated the winter Solstice, so this time was chosen for the Christian vacation as nicely.  It wasn’t referred to as “Christmas” till 8 centuries later.

I contemplate myself a mystical seeker, open to inspiration from all religious traditions.  As such, I don’t establish as a non secular Christian, however admire, and aspire to, the core teachings of Christ as expressed in Matthew 22:37-40, the place Jesus stated, “You need to love the Lord your God with all of your coronary heart, all of your soul, and all of your thoughts.  That is the primary and biggest commandment.  A second is equally essential: Love your neighbor as your self.  All of the Legislation and the Prophets cling on these two commandments.”

As a left brained rational man, swimming on the planet of conceptual phrases, this speaks to me of the unity of actuality.  I’m additionally impressed by quantum mechanics, which describes the world as resonant waves, entire, non-local and profoundly interconnected.  The most important expression of “Loving God” is to like the entire world, with out distinction or separation.  All obvious kind is the consequence of restricted notion, as no half is inherently distinct.  Albert Einstein stated, “Both every thing is sacred or nothing is.”  To like something requires we love every thing.  What a problem!

From the biggest perspective of stars and galaxies, right down to the smallest expressions of matter, it’s all one.  Are you able to think about opening your coronary heart to mountains, grime, vegetation, bugs, animals, water and air?  What would that really feel like?  How wouldn’t it change our day by day life?  How would we now have to shift the best way we do enterprise?  Nothing is “trash”.  Nothing is “disposable”.  Every little thing has inherent worth, as every thing arises from the identical sacred entire.  Contemplating this, I see the disparity between my present “actuality” and the religious purpose, and am impressed to develop.

Christ’s second commandment, that we “Love our Neighbor”, is a repeated emphasis of the wholeness of interconnected actuality as utilized particularly to individuals.  The historical past of the world is riddled with the oppression of “others”.  What wouldn’t it really feel wish to dwell this second commandment fully?  Who can we kill?  Who can we hate?  Who can we oppress?  Who can we discriminate towards?  The easy reply is “no one”, as we’re all one.  What a radical thought!  Are you able to even think about dwelling in that state of grace?  How would our nationwide efforts be rearranged?  How would our company agenda be modified?  How would we justify impoverishing many for the advantage of just a few if we felt the ache and struggling created?

That is the spirit of Christ, a chance open to us all, one thing worthy of celebration and a life purpose to aspire towards.  That is the perfect of Christmas: Peace on Earth, and Goodwill Towards All.  These targets are actually common, not restricted to Christians, however present in each religious custom on Earth.

Sadly, humanity remains to be a far cry from this exalted state.  The spirit of Christ has typically been distorted by the enterprise targets of company faith, with their energy politics of domination: expression of lesser human values, wrapped in religious trappings.  Within the title of Christ, “non-Christians” have been exterminated, and warfare between Christian sects have endured for hundreds of years, even into “trendy” occasions.  Such political oppression within the title of faith is totally antithetical to the spirit of Christ.

The true “warfare on Christmas” is obvious within the rampant commercialization of the season, with Christmas merchandise now on sale starting in September, and Black Friday gross sales the life blood of many companies.  The widespread nervousness from limitless advertising and marketing to “purchase” can simply overwhelm the extra delicate inner religious values.

Nonetheless, all of us have selection on this frenzy.  Turning inside, quietly considering the spirit of this time, we are able to add our private effort towards manifesting this unity into the world, little by little.  Occasions on the planet are coming to a crescendo, and we’re all alive right now to open our hearts and take part.

I want for everybody, Completely satisfied Solstice, Merry Christmas, Peace on Earth, and Goodwill Towards All Beings.

Crispin B. Hollinshead lives in Ukiah.  This and former articles might be discovered at cbhollinshead.blogspot.com.




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